Students with intellectual disability are increasingly identifying college as a goal, but far too few have actually had the option.  It’s been nearly 20 years since the first inclusive college programs began and still, just 2 percent of school-age students with intellectual disability are attending college. It’s time to change that! The “Think Higher. Think College.” Public Awareness campaign was created to educate and inform families, students, teachers, school administrators, transition and vocational rehabilitation professionals, and higher education faculty and staff about what’s possible for students with intellectual disability.

Think College recently hosted a webinar featuring a panel of college students discussing their experiences. They also showed the “Think Higher. Think College.” campaign video and shared resources for students, families, and educators, and campaign tools to spread the word about college access for students with intellectual disability. 

View the webinar recording of “My College Life: Students with Intellectual Disability Share Their Lived Experiences” here.